Introduction and WPGraphQL Pagination in Headless WordPress
Headless WordPress has become popular for modern web development. It provides flexibility by separating the front-end and back-end. Developers use APIs to fetch content from WordPress and display it on custom front-end applications. WPGraphQL is one such API that enables efficient content fetching. When using WPGraphQL with frameworks like Next.js and Apollo, pagination plays a crucial role. Pagination allows us to break down large amounts of data into manageable parts, improving user experience and performance.
Pagination is critical because websites often have more data than can be displayed on one page. It helps organize this data by dividing it across multiple pages. Because of this, visitors may simply use the “next” and “previous” buttons or page numbers to go through the content. With headless WordPress, pagination can be efficiently managed using WPGraphQL’s built-in methods.
WPGraphQL Pagination in Headless WordPress
A technique known as cursor-based pagination is offered by WPGraphQL. This pagination method loads a specific number of records and provides a cursor for the next set of data. The cursor acts as a marker, allowing users to request more data from that point onward. Large datasets may be handled well using this technique, which also speeds up content loading without taxing the server.
In contrast, traditional WordPress uses offset-based pagination. It relies on page numbers and offsets to fetch data. For instance, WordPress retrieves the following 10 items and ignores the first 10 when viewed on page 2. However, this method can become slow when dealing with large data sets. It requires recalculating offsets for every new request, which can affect performance.
WPGraphQL’s cursor-based pagination is more efficient. It doesn’t need to recalculate offsets, making it faster and more reliable. This method helps reduce server load by fetching data in smaller, precise batches. As a result, it enhances the overall performance of a website, especially when dealing with dynamic content like blog posts or product listings.
In conclusion, WPGraphQL’s cursor-based pagination performs better than offset-based pagination. It’s the preferred choice for headless WordPress setups, especially when working with large datasets.
Querying with WPGraphQL and Implementing Pagination in Next.js
Querying Posts with WPGraphQL Cursor-Based Pagination
WPGraphQL simplifies querying posts with its built-in cursor-based pagination. This method allows developers to fetch a specific number of posts and use a cursor to load the next set of data.
To begin, developers must use the pageInfo object in the GraphQL query. This object contains two key fields: hasNextPage and endCursor. The hasNextPage field tells if more posts are available. The endCursor provides a unique identifier for the last post in the current batch.
Here’s an example of a basic WPGraphQL query:
query getPosts($first: Int!, $after: String) {
posts(first: $first, after: $after) {
pageInfo {
edges {
node {
In this query, we ask for the first batch of posts. The number of posts to load is specified by the first argument. The system is instructed to begin at the beginning by the after parameter, which is initially set to null. The next set can be retrieved using the endCursor once the first batch has finished loading.
Cursor-based pagination is efficient because it only fetches the data that’s needed. Unlike offset-based pagination, it doesn’t need to recalculate offsets. This helps websites handle large datasets without slowing down. The system is instructed to begin at the beginning by the after parameter, which is initially set to null.
Implementing Pagination in Next.js with Apollo Client
When used in conjunction with Apollo Client, Next.js simplifies data retrieval and pagination. The Apollo Client uses GraphQL queries to fetch data from WPGraphQL, and Next.js renders the content efficiently.
Pagination is implemented using the Apollo Client’s useQuery hook. This hook allows us to pass in GraphQL queries and fetch data. This is a condensed illustration of how to use pagination in Next.js:
import { useQuery, gql } from ‘@apollo/client’;
const GET_POSTS = gql`
query getPosts($first: Int!, $after: String) {
posts(first: $first, after: $after) {
pageInfo {
edges {
node {
const POSTS_PER_PAGE = 5;
function LoadMorePosts() {
const { data, loading, fetchMore } = useQuery(GET_POSTS, {
variables: { first: POSTS_PER_PAGE, after: null },
if (loading) return <p>Loading…</p>;
const loadMorePosts = () => {
variables: { after: data.posts.pageInfo.endCursor },
return (
{data.posts.edges.map((post) => (
<div key={post.node.id}>{post.node.title}</div>
{data.posts.pageInfo.hasNextPage && (
<button onClick={loadMorePosts}>Load More</button>
export default LoadMorePosts;
In this code, we use the GET_POSTS query with the useQuery hook to fetch posts. The POSTS_PER_PAGE constant determines how many posts are loaded in each batch. When users click the “Load More” button, the fetchMore function loads the next batch of posts using the endCursor.
By using Apollo Client with Next.js, developers can handle pagination efficiently. The front-end app loads only the required data, improving performance. Pagination in Next.js with Apollo Client makes it easy to handle large amounts of content without slowing down the user experience.
Relay-Style Pagination and Custom Pagination in WPGraphQL
Relay-Style Pagination in WPGraphQL and Apollo
Relay-style pagination is an efficient way to handle large data sets. It follows a standard method of handling one-to-many relationships using connections and edges. WPGraphQL adheres to the Relay specification, making pagination structured and efficient. In this approach, each connection returns an edges array that contains individual nodes. Each node holds a single post or record, and additional metadata is provided through pageInfo.
Apollo Client makes it easy to implement Relay-style pagination using its built-in utilities. A critical function here is relayStylePagination(), which manages paginated data efficiently. This function automatically merges the existing data set with the newly fetched data when users request more content. It abstracts away the complexities of pagination, making it easier for developers to manage.
Here’s an illustration of how relayStylePagination() is used by Apollo Client:
import { ApolloClient, InMemoryCache } from ‘@apollo/client’;
import { relayStylePagination } from ‘@apollo/client/utilities’;
const client = new ApolloClient({
cache: new InMemoryCache({
typePolicies: {
Query: {
fields: {
posts: relayStylePagination(),
This little piece of code uses relayStylePagination to define a cache. The Apollo Client automatically handles merging new data with previously fetched data. This allows the user to scroll through posts without the need for complex manual handling. Relay-style pagination is ideal for applications requiring smooth, continuous data fetching, especially with large data sets.
Custom Pagination in WPGraphQL: Previous and Next Posts
WPGraphQL also supports custom pagination, allowing developers to add more features. One common custom pagination is previous and next post navigation. This feature lets users move between posts in a blog by clicking “Previous” and “Next” links at the bottom of each post.
WPGraphQL doesn’t provide this functionality out of the box. However, developers can extend the schema by adding custom fields to retrieve previous and next posts. Here’s an example of a custom query to get previous and next posts:
query getPost($slug: ID!) {
post(id: $slug, idType: SLUG) {
previousPost {
nextPost {
This query retrieves a post by its slug and also fetches the titles and slugs of the previous and next posts. In a Next.js app, developers can use this query to display navigation links.
Here’s how you can implement it in Next.js:
import Link from ‘next/link’;
function PostNavigation({ previousPost, nextPost }) {
return (
<div className=”post-navigation”>
{previousPost && (
<Link href={`/blog/${previousPost.slug}`}>
👈 {previousPost.title}
{nextPost && (
<Link href={`/blog/${nextPost.slug}`}>
{nextPost.title} 👉
This query retrieves a post by its slug and also fetches the titles and slugs of the previous and next posts. In a Next.js app, developers can use this query to display navigation links.
Here’s how you can implement it in Next.js:
import Link from ‘next/link’;
function PostNavigation({ previousPost, nextPost }) {
return (
<div className=”post-navigation”>
{previousPost && (
<Link href={`/blog/${previousPost.slug}`}>
👈 {previousPost.title}
{nextPost && (
<Link href={`/blog/${nextPost.slug}`}>
{nextPost.title} 👉
This simple code creates links for users to navigate between blog posts. Custom pagination, like this, provides a better user experience by allowing users to explore content seamlessly.
Performance Considerations for Pagination in Headless CMS
Performance is a crucial factor when building any modern website or application. Efficient pagination methods can greatly enhance a site’s speed and user experience. In a headless CMS like WordPress with WPGraphQL, cursor-based pagination offers significant performance improvements over traditional offset-based pagination.
Cursor-based pagination minimizes server load by fetching only the required data. It avoids recalculating the position of each data set, unlike offset-based pagination, which needs to compute the number of records skipped on each request. Cursor-based pagination retrieves the subsequent set of data using a special identifier—the cursor. This increases its speed and efficiency, particularly when working with big datasets or databases.
For instance, in a blog with thousands of posts, offset-based pagination can slow down as more posts are added. However, because cursor-based pagination refers to data points directly without recalculating their positions, it maintains consistent speed. This ensures that the user gets a smoother experience even as content grows.
Another performance consideration is client-side fetching using tools like Apollo Client. By fetching data in smaller batches, the front-end doesn’t overload the server or the user’s browser. This lessens the need for large data transfers and speeds up loading times.
Pagination plays a vital role in handling large datasets, especially in headless WordPress. WPGraphQL, Next.js, and Apollo Client offer powerful tools for implementing efficient, modern pagination methods.
In WPGraphQL, cursor-based pagination performs better than offset-based pagination. It allows for faster, more precise data retrieval. Implementing pagination in Next.js with Apollo Client enables developers to create dynamic, scalable websites.
By using Relay-style pagination and custom pagination features, developers can enhance user navigation and overall performance. Efficient pagination ensures a smooth user experience, even when dealing with large or growing content libraries.
With these tools, developers can build highly performant headless WordPress websites that scale seamlessly as content grows.
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