WP Headless

Headless WordPress Docker
  • August 1, 2024
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Headless CMS architecture is becoming more and more common. The frontend and backend are kept apart by it. This allows developers more flexibility. WordPress, a well-known CMS, can also be headless. As a headless content management system, WordPress manages the content. The frontend is built using modern frameworks like React or Vue.js.

Docker is another powerful tool. It simplifies development and deployment. You may establish isolated environments with Docker. This facilitates the sharing and management of apps. Docker uses containers. Containers bundle software and its dependencies. This ensures the application runs consistently across environments.

The purpose of this guide is clear. We will integrate WordPress as a headless CMS with Docker. This combination offers many benefits. It enhances development efficiency and deployment speed. By the end, you will understand how to set up and manage a headless WordPress using Docker.

Introduction to Docker

Docker is a crucial tool for modern development. It makes environments consistent possible. As a result, your application will function consistently everywhere. Docker uses containers, which are lightweight and efficient. Containers combine all required parts into one package. Libraries, dependencies, and the application code are all included in this.

Docker has numerous important advantages. Initially, it makes deployment simpler. Once built, containers can be deployed anywhere. Second, Docker ensures consistency. On whatever system, the same container operates in the same manner. Thirdly, it makes better use of resources. Virtual machines need more CPU and memory than containers.

Docker’s main components include containers, images, and Dockerfile. Images operate as instances in containers. Containers are created using images, which are read-only templates. A script called a Dockerfile specifies how to construct an image. Understanding these basics is essential for using Docker effectively.

Setting Up Docker for Headless WordPress

To start, you need a few prerequisites. Ensure you have Docker installed. Docker is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux. Get the relevant version by going to the Docker website.

Next, make a WordPress Dockerfile. Instructions for Docker are contained in this file. It tells Docker how to set up WordPress. Here is a simple Dockerfile for WordPress:


FROM wordpress:latest



This Dockerfile uses the latest WordPress image. It also exposes port 80 for web traffic.

Now, build your Docker image. Navigate to your Dockerfile directory by opening a terminal. Run the following command:

docker build -t my-wordpress .


This command creates the picture and adds the “my-wordpress” tag to it.

Once the container is built, it can be used. Press this shortcut to launch WordPress:

docker run -d -p 8080:80 –name wordpress my-wordpress


The container is operated in detached mode by this command. It associates your machine’s port 8080 with port 80 in the container.

Configuring WordPress for Headless Operation

After setting up Docker, configure WordPress. By default, WordPress is not headless. You need to adjust some settings. Start by installing the “WP REST API” plugin. This plugin enables headless functionality.

Next, set your WordPress site to headless mode. Access the WordPress admin panel. Navigate to Settings > Reading. Choose a page by selecting “A static page”. This will make WordPress serve content via the REST API.

Finally, test your setup. Open a browser and visit ‘http://localhost:8080/wp-json/wp/v2/posts’. You should see a list of posts in JSON format. This confirms your headless WordPress is working.

Custom Post Types and ACF

Boost your content management capabilities with Custom Post Types (CPTs) and Advanced Custom Fields (ACF). CPTs allow you to define unique content structures like portfolios or recipes. ACF adds custom fields, providing editors with user-friendly input forms. This combination enhances the power of headless WordPress Docker by making content highly customizable and dynamic.

Using WPGraphQL for Advanced Queries

For enhanced flexibility, consider using WPGraphQL. It offers a modern way to query WordPress data with precision. Unlike the REST API, GraphQL retrieves only the necessary data, improving performance. Install the WPGraphQL plugin and access its intuitive IDE for testing queries. This integration can make your headless WordPress Docker setup more robust and developer-friendly.

Integrating Headless WordPress with Frontend Frameworks

To fully utilize headless WordPress, you need a frontend framework. Popular choices include React and Vue.js. These frameworks offer flexibility and modern features. They allow you to build dynamic user interfaces. Here’s how to incorporate them into your WordPress headless website.

Optimizing React and Next.js Integration

For frontend development, React and Next.js are perfect companions for headless WordPress Docker. Use APIs like WPGraphQL or REST to fetch content. Optimize performance by enabling lazy loading and caching. Next.js’s features like next/image and server-side rendering (SSR) improve user experience and SEO. A streamlined frontend setup ensures seamless headless Docker development.

Choosing the Right Frontend Framework

Selecting a frontend framework should come first. React and Vue.js are both excellent options. Facebook developed React, which is extensively utilized. It has lots of resources and a sizable community. The simplicity of Vue.js, developed by Evan You, is well renowned. It’s easy to learn and integrate.

Consider your project needs and team skills. If you need robust features and community support, choose React. Vue.js is the better option if you value simplicity and usability.

Setting Up a Local Development Environment with Docker

Next, configure your environment for local development. This is an easy process to do with Docker. Docker must be installed on your computer. Additionally, install Node.js and npm for your frontend framework.

Create a Dockerfile for your frontend application. This is a simple React application example:


FROM node:14
COPY package*.json ./
RUN npm install COPY . .
CMD [“npm”, “start”]


This Dockerfile creates an environment for Node.js. It launches the application and installs dependencies.

Build the Docker image:

docker build -t my-react-app .


Run the container:

docker run -d -p 3000:3000 –name react-app my-react-app


Your React app is now running in a Docker container.

Connecting the Frontend to the Headless WordPress API

Connect your frontend to the headless WordPress API. Retrieve and show data from WordPress. Use the fetch API or a library like Axios.

Here’s a simple example using React:


import React, { useEffect, useState } from ‘react’;

import axios from ‘axios’;


function App() {

const [posts, setPosts] = useState([]);


useEffect(() => {


.then(response => setPosts(response.data))

.catch(error => console.error(error));

}, []);


return (




{posts.map(post => (

<li key={post.id}>{post.title.rendered}</li>







export default App;


This code fetches posts from WordPress and displays them.


Introduction to Headless Chrome

Headless Chrome operates Chrome without displaying a graphical user interface. It helps with task automation. Web scraping and web application testing are two examples. Headless Chrome can run in a Docker container. This ensures a consistent environment.

Setting Up Docker for Headless Chrome

Multi-Container Management with Docker Compose

Streamline your WordPress headless Docker setup by leveraging Docker Compose. This tool simplifies managing WordPress and MySQL containers together. Create a docker-compose.yml file to define services and dependencies. Run docker-compose up -d to start all containers effortlessly. Docker Compose is a game-changer for headless Docker development, enabling faster and more efficient setups.

First, create a Dockerfile for headless Chrome. Here’s a basic example:

FROM zenika/alpine-chrome



This Dockerfile uses an Alpine-based Chrome image. It exposes port 9222 for remote debugging.

Build the Docker image:

docker build -t headless-chrome .

Run the container:

docker run -d -p 9222:9222 –name chrome headless-chrome


Your headless Chrome is now running in a Docker container.

Running Headless Chrome in Docker for Web Scraping and Automation

To use headless Chrome for web scraping, you need a library like Puppeteer. An advanced API is offered by Puppeteer to manage Chrome.

Install Puppeteer in your project:

npm install puppeteer

Create a script to scrape data:

const puppeteer = require(‘puppeteer’);


(async () => {

  const browser = await puppeteer.connect({ browserWSEndpoint: ‘ws://localhost:9222’ });

  const page = await browser.newPage();

  await page.goto(‘https://example.com’);

  const data = await page.evaluate(() => document.body.innerText);


  await browser.close();



This script connects to the headless Chrome instance. It navigates to a website and extracts text.

Example: Automating Tasks with Headless Chrome in a Docker Container

Headless Chrome can automate various tasks. For example, you can fill out forms or take screenshots. Modify the Puppeteer script to perform these actions.

Here’s an example to take a screenshot:

const puppeteer = require(‘puppeteer’);


(async () => {

  const browser = await puppeteer.connect({ browserWSEndpoint: ‘ws://localhost:9222’ });

  const page = await browser.newPage();

  await page.goto(‘https://example.com’);

  await page.screenshot({ path: ‘example.png’ });

  await browser.close();



This script navigates to a website and takes a screenshot.


Best Practices for Managing Docker Containers

A stable environment requires effective Docker container management. Here are some guidelines for best practices.

  1. Keep Images Lightweight
    • Minimize the number of basic pictures to lessen the attack surface.
    • Remove unnecessary packages to keep the image size small.
    • Regularly clean up dangling images to free up disk space.
  2. Use Multi-Stage Builds
    • To optimize the final picture, separate the build and runtime phases.
    • Use build stages to compile and install dependencies, then copy to the final stage.
  3. Implement Proper Tagging
    • Tag images clearly and consistently for easier identification.
    • Use version numbers or descriptive tags to track changes.
  4. Monitor Resource Usage
    • Keep an eye on CPU and memory usage using Docker stats.
    • Use monitoring tools like Prometheus and Grafana for detailed insights.
  5. Regularly Update Containers
    • Stay current with security patches to mitigate vulnerabilities.
    • Rebuild images periodically to incorporate updates and improvements.
  6. Use Docker Compose
    • Manage multi-container applications efficiently with Docker Compose.
    • Simplify configurations and enable reproducible environments.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Even with best practices, issues can arise. These are a few typical issues along with their fixes.

  1. Container Fails to Start
    • Check logs using docker logs [container_id] to diagnose issues.
    • Ensure all dependencies are available and correctly configured.
  2. Network Issues
    • Verify network settings in docker-compose.yml for correctness.
    • Ensure proper port mapping and firewall rules are in place.
  3. Performance Degradation
    • Monitor resource usage to identify bottlenecks.
    • Optimize Dockerfile and reduce container size for better performance.
  4. Permission Denied Errors
    • Check file permissions and user configurations.
    • To prevent permission concerns, make sure the correct user is operating the container.
  5. Data Persistence Problems
    • To keep data intact between container restarts, use volumes.
    • Verify volume mounting points and permissions to ensure data integrity.

Scaling Headless WordPress with Docker in Production

Applications must be scaled in order to accommodate more traffic. Docker makes scaling easier.

  1. Use Docker Swarm or Kubernetes
    • Orchestrate multiple Docker containers for better resource management.
    • Manage clusters efficiently with built-in tools and features.
  2. Load Balancing
    • Distribute traffic across multiple containers using load balancers.
    • Use tools like Nginx or HAProxy for efficient load distribution.
  3. Horizontal Scaling
    • Add more container instances to handle increased load.
    • Ensure stateless application design for easier scaling.
  4. Auto-scaling
    • Adapt the quantity of containers automatically in accordance with demand.
    • Use metrics and thresholds to trigger scaling actions.
  5. Database Scaling
    • Use managed databases to handle increased data loads.
    • Implement read replicas and sharding for improved performance.

Monitoring and Maintaining Dockerized Applications

Regular monitoring is crucial for application health. Docker provides several tools to help.

  1. Use Docker Stats
    • Track live metrics for containers, including as CPU, memory, and network utilization.
    • Identify resource bottlenecks and optimize container performance.
  2. Logging
    • Use tools such as the ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) to centralize logs.
    • Analyze logs for issues and trends to improve application reliability.
  3. Health Checks
    • Implement health checks in docker-compose.yml for automatic monitoring.
    • Restart unhealthy containers to maintain application uptime.
  4. Automated Backups
    • Schedule regular backups of critical data to prevent data loss.
    • Store backups securely and test restore procedures regularly.
  5. Security Best Practices
    • To reduce security risks, run containers as non-root users.
    • Keep Docker and images updated to the latest versions.
    • Use Docker Bench for security audits and compliance checks.

Emerging Trends in Headless CMS and Containerization

The tech industry is always changing. Stay updated with these trends.

  1. JAMstack Architecture
    • Combine JavaScript, APIs, and Markup for better performance.
    • Decouple frontend and backend for more flexibility and scalability.
  2. Serverless Computing
    • Run code that scales automatically to meet demand without requiring server management.
    • Reduce operational overhead and focus on development.
  3. Microservices Architecture
    • Break down applications into smaller, independent services.
    • Improve scalability, maintainability, and team productivity.
  4. Edge Computing
    • Reduce latency by processing data closer to the source.
    • Improve performance and user experience by minimizing data travel.
  5. AI and Machine Learning Integration
    • Incorporate AI into headless CMS for intelligent features.
    • Enhance user experience with personalized content and recommendations.

Deploying WordPress with Vercel

Deploying your WordPress headless Docker application to Vercel enhances performance and scalability. Vercel’s global CDN ensures your site loads quickly worldwide. Use the WPGraphQL plugin to fetch data and leverage Vercel’s Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR) for near-instant updates. This makes your headless Docker development setup highly resilient and modern.

Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR)

Keep your content fresh with Incremental static regeneration. ISR allows you to update pages without redeploying. Use getStaticProps in Next.js with the revalidate property for scheduled updates. This feature is crucial for WordPress headless Docker applications that require frequent content updates while maintaining high performance.

Troubleshooting and Best Practices

Troubleshooting common issues in your headless WordPress Docker environment is essential. For API errors, verify your endpoints and credentials. Resolve container issues by checking Docker logs. Adopt best practices like lightweight images and multi-stage builds for efficient development. Regularly update Docker images to secure your setup and improve stability.


This part covers essential aspects of Docker management, troubleshooting, and scaling. Adhering to optimal procedures guarantees a steady and effective atmosphere. Troubleshooting common issues helps maintain application health. Scaling with Docker allows handling increased traffic smoothly. Monitoring and maintaining Dockerized applications is crucial for long-term success. Staying updated with emerging trends keeps your tech stack modern and competitive.


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WP Headless